RT 4.2.13 released

We're pleased to announce the availability of RT 4.2.13. This release is a bugfix release; most notably, values in charts are now sorted numerically, and regression for time zones on date/time custom fields has been addressed. Please see our official release announcement for more information, including the complete set of changes and bugfixes.

Download RT today!

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Keyboard Shortcuts

Request Tracker 4.4 introduces a number of keyboard shortcuts to improve your productivity. On any page in RT, you can now press "?" on your keyboard to bring up a list of shortcuts for the current page.

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Tagging in RT

Tagging in RT

Best Practical has released a new extension to make it easy to tag tickets with useful keywords. The tags then become a link to a search for all active tickets with that tag.

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Request Tracker 4.4.1 release candidate 1 released

We're pleased to announce the availability of the first release candidate for RT 4.4.1. This release addresses several bugs in Request Tracker 4.4.0 and also adds a few small but important features.

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What's New in 4.4: Default Ticket Values

What's New in 4.4: Default Ticket Values

RT now makes setting default values on new tickets easy and convenient, both for core ticket values and custom fields.

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Simple Guide to RT's Simple Search

While the Query Builder can provide any information you are searching for, RT also has a simplified search feature, Simple Search.

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Improved Time Tracking in RT

Improved Time Tracking in RT

RT has basic time tracking covered, but here are a few extensions that add more features and functionality to make it even easier to keep track of where your time is going.

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What's New in 4.4: Infinite Scroll for Ticket History

What's New in 4.4: Infinite Scroll for Ticket History

RT 4.4 adds new load-on-scroll behavior to help when loading tickets with long histories. This option can be set globally or as an individual user preference and works best when sorting newest history entries at the top.

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RT 4.4.0 released

We're thrilled to announce the availability of RT 4.4.0! This is the first release for the next major version of RT. The focus of this release series is quality-of-life improvements for both users and administrators.

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Request Tracker: Quick Ticket Create

RT provides a variety of standard fields for tracking information about requests and has a powerful Custom Field system to allow you to track specific metadata as it relates to your organization. When creating a new ticket in RT, these custom fields are displayed to let you capture as much information as possible about your request from the get go.

However, there are times you want to create a ticket but don’t have the time to enter in all the desired metadata. Out of the box, RT includes Quick Ticket Create, which is a handy portlet that enables you to enter bare minimum information about a new ticket so that you can quickly create a new ticket.

The default RT at a Glance home page puts Quick Ticket Create at the bottom of the main body, which is handy. But several of us at Best Practical don't even want to have to scroll down, so we edit the page and put it at the top of the sidebar so it's easy to use right when the page loads.

Quick ticket create

RT also has a preference that will redirect you to the main display page of the newly created ticket after you create it. This is turned off by default, but you can enable it for all users in the RT configuration file with the $TicketAfterQuickCreate option, or select it as a personal preference in the Ticket display section of the personal settings.

Give Quick Ticket Create a try and never forget to make tickets for all of the important things that need to get done!

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