RT 5.0.5: Scrip Logging in the Browser

RT 5.0.5 has a new feature for all of the RT administrators who wish there was an easier way to see logging information while working on customizing a scrip. The new configuration option LogScripsForUser does exactly that, it allows you to enable scrip logging just for your user so you can see what is happening while working on a custom scrip condition or action.

Viewing RT scrip log output in the browser

As shown in the video, you can enable this while working on some new code and output debug information to confirm your code is all working. When you’re done, you can disable the logging again. Or, you might leave logging enabled but set the log level to warning or error. Then you should only see output if the system encounters some kind of error. You can then visit your scrips page occasionally and confirm all of your scrips are running cleanly and without problem.

Still need some help with that custom scrip even with the new logging feature? We’re always here to help. Just send email to sales@bestpractical.com and we’ll get you moving on your next project.

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