RT 5.0.5 and 4.4.7 Now Available

Screenshot of a dashboard with a search using the SelectedUser placeholder.

RT version 5.0.5 is now available, along with RT 4.4.7. In addition to a batch of updates, new features, and fixes, there are several important security updates provided in these releases. Details on these fixes are in the release notes linked in the forum posts below. We recommend that all RT users upgrade to get these security updates.

We are also recommending an update to your web server configuration. Your Apache or nginx (or other web server) configuration is managed outside of RT, so we can’t update it automatically as part of the upgrade. Details on the recommended changes are in the forum post and also in our updated documentation.

Select Different Users for Saved Searches

But this release isn't only about security updates, we have some new features also. One is a new dashboard component that allows you to select a different user to display tickets in searches like "10 Highest Priority Tickets I Own". Normally that search shows tickets owned by the currently logged in user, so you'll see your own tickets. Using the new __SelectedUser__ placeholder and the new dashboard component, you can now get that type of search to show tickets owned by other people. Check out the video below to see it in action.

We think this will be very helpful for project managers keeping track of tickets for multiple different team members. We've been using it in our RT for a few months and it's a big help.

Upgrade Planning for the 4.4 Series

As you plan your upgrade, note that the 4.4 series is very much in maintenance mode and receiving only important bug fixes. For example, the new feature above is only available in RT 5.0.5.

We are not announcing the end of life yet, but if you are still running version 4.4, you should start working on your plans to upgrade to RT 5. Plus you’ll get a bunch of new features!

Need Help?

It's always good to keep your system up-to-date, but upgrading is especially important when there are security fixes. If you run into any problems or have questions, our team is always ready to help at sales@bestpractical.com. And remember, we offer managed hosting if you'd like to let us handle the upgrades for you.

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