RT 4.2.0rc3 Released

We're elated to announce the availability of RT 4.2.0rc3 - the third release candidate for the next major version of RT. Barring any surprises, we expect 4.2.0 to ship early next week.

We would be thrilled to hear your experiences installing or upgrading to this release candidate; the more feedback we get, the sooner the official release of RT 4.2.0 can occur. Bear in mind that reports of successful installs and upgrades are just as important as reports of issues.

As always, please review the upgrading documentation available in docs/UPGRADING-4.2, as there are a number of backward-incompatible changes that come along with the new version number. If you are upgrading from 4.2.0rc2, the differences are merely cosmetic.

We have also begun scheduling our services for upgrades in anticipation of the final RT 4.2.0 release. If you have questions about upgrading or other aspects of RT 4.2.0 you can get in touch with us at contact@bestpractical.com.

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