Over the past few weeks, I've been spending my time putting together an initial implementation of a modern phone-friendly interface for RT.
We've just published the source code to http://github.com/bestpractical/rt-extension-mobileui and it will show up at http://search.cpan.org/dist/RT-Extension-MobileUI in the very near future.
This is very much an initial release and I know there are things that need improvement, though I'd greatly appreciate feedback to help figure out what those improvements should be.
We've tested this new UI on the iPhone, Android 2.x, BlackberryOS 4.5 and 5.0, Kindle 2.5 and in a number of desktop browsers.
Once you install the extension, you can have a look around from your desktop browser by visiting /m on your RT server. The Mobile UI tries pretty hard to detect mobile browsers and push them to the mobile login page, though there's a link to get back to the full UI if it gets your browser wrong.
Right now, the mobile interface supports:
- External Authentication
- Regular RT Login
- Creating Tickets
- Search (using the same "Simple Search" as the main UI)
- Display of saved searches
- Ticket display
- Ticket comment/reply
- Ticket history
- Attachment download
More screenshots after the cut