New Calendar Features for Request Tracker

Managing your organization's schedule, maintenance windows and appointments just got easier with the latest update to the RTx::Calendar extension for Request Tracker (RT). The extension has been available for a long time and the most recent release offers a nice set of new features that will streamline your scheduling and enhance your productivity. You can see some of these in action in the video below.

Demo of new features in RTx::Calendar

Events based on Dates and DateTimes Custom Fields

The new Calendar extension now allows you to use Custom Fields of Date and DateTime types. This powerful feature enables you to create customized date-based fields that can be associated with tickets, making it easier to track important deadlines, events, and maintenance windows within the context of your support and ticketing system. Whether it's tracking project milestones, service level agreements, or customer appointments, the ability to use custom date fields within RT's Calendar extension brings an added layer of flexibility and efficiency to your workflow.

Multiple-Day Events

The display of multi-day events and ongoing tasks is now much nicer with the enhanced Calendar extension. Instead of being limited to single-day events, you can now create and manage events that span multiple days. This feature is invaluable for managing multiple-day maintenance windows, complex changes, extended projects, conferences, or other events that require tracking over an extended period. You can easily visualize these events on the calendar, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks.

Calendar Portlets for RT Dashboards

In addition to the existing one-week calendar portlet, useful for seeing recent and upcoming events, the new version of the extension also introduces calendar portlets that provide a full-month view right on your RT Dashboards. By integrating the calendar into your dashboard, you can stay organized and up-to-date without the need to navigate to a separate page.

Other Improvements

Finally, there are a set of other smaller updates. Events can be color-coded based on status and a status filter is available in the sidebar for seeing only desired events like "approved" or "rejected" events.

With these exciting new features, Request Tracker's Calendar extension is more versatile and user-friendly than ever before. Whether you're managing support tickets, project timelines, or customer appointments, the enhanced Calendar extension empowers you to stay organized and on top of your schedule. Don't miss out on these valuable additions that can significantly boost your productivity and help you better manage your organization's tasks and events.

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