We're pleased to announce that RT 4.0.18 is now available. This release is primarily a bugfix release; most notably, it addresses compatibility issues with recent versions of the Encode perl module.Notable changes include:
- Cope with Encode version 2.33 and later, which altered their internal functionality and caused RT to double-encode Subject lines in outgoing email.
- Fix HTML rendering errors in dashboard emails.
- Fix overzealous quoting around decoded MIME words.
- In the rights UI, entering the name of a user or group which already has rights will now correctly select them for rights granting, as if their name had been selected.
- Display types in the "applies to" dropdown for custom fields in consistent order
- Paginate the Queues list in the administrative interface into 50 results per page.
- Support for cascading selections with a multiple-select parent.
- Clarify that $ParseNewMessageForTicketCcs only applies to new, and not existing, tickets.
- Clarify how an undefined $RTAddressRegexp is treated, and that it does not come at any notable performance penalty.
- Fix verbosity of syslog messages; now only the 'debug' level includes originating filename and line.
- Include process ID in log messages, for ease of isolation in a multi-process environment.
- Log the From: address of incoming mail which triggered an error, for ease of debugging.
Other Bugfixes
- Avoid linking trailing punctuation, or html tags, in URL anchors in MakeClicky
- Fix the Quick Search (QueueSummary) portlet when non-lowercase statuses are used.
- Show Date and DateTime custom fields in the user's format and time zone in search results.
- Allow rt-email-group-admin to be passed an email address that RT is not already aware of.
- Show submitted content from the user on errors in REST submission, for ease of re-editing and re-submission.
A complete changelog is available from git.