We understand that your resources are limited, and you want a ticketing solution in hand as fast as possible. Harness over a decade of experience installing and configuring Request Tracker- and get the job done right- by hiring Best Practical to deploy for you.
When you hire Best Practical for an RT or RTIR deployment, you engage with engineers who know Request Tracker inside and out. Not only do we write code for RT every day, but we use it to run our own company so we understand the value a strong ticketing solution can bring to a business.
Our Deployment Package is designed to give you access not only to our robust product, but to our expertise. After the installation and configuration, your support contract will keep you covered in case you have questions about how to get the most out of your RT as your company grows, in addition to urgent and dedicated help in the case of an emergency. If you need a higher level of support, we're happy to craft a solution that works for you.
Our Deployment Package includes:
- Request Tracker or Request Tracker for Incident Response installation
- Basic RT Configuration (initial set up of groups and queues)
- LDAP/AD Setup
- 1 year of Basic Support