RT 3.8.17 Documentation

Timezones in charts

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Every date in RT's DB is stored in UTC format. This affects charts grouped by time periods (Annually, Monthly, etc.). To produce charts that are in a specific timezone we have to use database specific functions to convert time. Each DB has very different requirements.


This code is experimental and you can turn it on and off using boolean option $ChartsTimezonesInDB in the RT config.



Time can not just be converted using numeric time shift as this shift value depends on daylight saving time properties of the time zone.

mysql since 4.1.3 supports named timezones, but you have to fill special tables with up to date data. On modern systems it's Usually very easy:

    mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql -u root mysql

mysql's doc recommends to restart server. Read more about timezones in mysql in the following document http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/time-zone-support.html .


PostgreSQL database uses your operating system's functions to convert timezones. You don't need to do anything in particular except making sure that the data in /usr/share/zoneinfo is up to date. On some systems this means upgrading a system package.

Note for users of Pg 7.2 and older or users upgraded from those

You should be sure that timestamps in RT DB have no TZ set. TIMESTAMP column type in PostgreSQL prior to Pg 7.3 has timezone info by default. In newer versions it's not the case anymore. If your RT database has this embedded timezone info, you need to alter the columns before enabling this feature.

Other databases

There is no implementation for other DBs, yet.



We use timestamp type for all datetime fields. It either has timezone info or not, by default since Pg 7.3 it has no timezone. Conversion is kinda tricky:

    timezone('Europe/Moscow', timezone('UTC', column_without_tz_info))
    timezone('to_tz', timezone('from_tz', column_without_tz_info))

This function flips HAS_TZ flag on the argument. First call makes no conversion, but flips HAS_TZ flag. So next call flips it back and does actual conversion.



Once timezone information is loaded into tables on the server, we have all the same set of named timezones in the system and DateTime (DateTime project has copy of the TZ data in a module).

CONVERT_TZ(TS, from, to) exists since mysql 4.1.3. Note that it takes timestamp, so supports limitted range (usuall 1970-2038).


Look at FROM_TZ function.


As far as I can see has no support.

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